Judge “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a human being, so he cannot be the inventor of a patent”

3 years ago

A little relieved (?) Judgment was issued to human beings who feel that artificial intelligence (AI) is a threat. A…

If You Install Windows 11 By Yourself … You May Not Continue Using It Safely

3 years ago

Rainy day Windows of the new OS era is already next month and has been closing in on. Models that…

Construction Of An E-shop For a Pharmacy What Should I Watch Out For?

3 years ago

The construction e-shop for pharmacy is a necessity of the days we live. The evolution of technology has contributed drastically…

How To Set The Selling Price: What You Need To Know Before Launching The Product

3 years ago

Affect all the elements of the business to say it is no exaggeration to set the selling price of goods.…

Tim Cook: Fake News Is Eating Into People’s Brains

3 years ago

He said that just as the world's awareness of global warming should be raised, people's awareness of fighting fake news…

Six Characteristics Of a Successful Entrepreneur, Asking The Founders Of Kollar Clothing

3 years ago

Kollar Clothing: Success does not depend on the type of personality, introverted or extroverted. An entrepreneur who is truly successful…

Why Is Technology Monopoly The Norm?

3 years ago

The terrible thing about platform monopoly lies in the "digital real estate" bubble, and the more terrible monopoly is a…

11 Unknown Useful Features Of Google Maps

3 years ago

I think more people are using Google Maps instead of car navigation. There is no better tool for navigation and…

Web Development Company: Your Key To a Well-Designed Website

3 years ago

One achievement you'd be very proud to have is a website. From building it from scratch to maintaining and uploading…

You May Not Have Cleaned Your Wireless Earphones at all, That’s Not Good!

3 years ago

So, a summary of how to care for wireless earphones from each company Try to smell the wireless earphones. You…