Optimizing E-Commerce Speed ​​Improves SEO Traffic.

Optimizing E-Commerce Speed ​​Improves SEO Traffic.

Have you ever tested the speed of your online store

Did you know that slow e-commerce causes you to lose customers and turnover?

Read the article and test your e-commerce!

The speed of your e-commerce influences its positioning on search engines.

By e-commerce speed, we mean the time it takes for your browser to display a page. This speed, however, depends on many things. And they all need to be considered when creating an online page. Search engines reward those pages that are very fast because people want an experience consistent with their search on Google or other search engines but also fast.

The speed of your website is a ranking factor that determines and promotes good positioning during searches on Google.

Speed: the new important factor for improving positioning

Throughout history, the speed of a website has not always been the most important ranking factor. However, over the course of these last few years, its importance has grown, even more so after the revision of the Google Ranking algorithm in 2015. For this reason, constantly carrying out optimization activities is essential to appear in search engines’ first results research.

A site with an unoptimized structure causes Google to index pages slower. New posts and content will also be indexed by Google more slowly. This will penalize the site in the rankings proposed by the search engine. Making your website faster can lead to more organic traffic and better indexing.

Furthermore, a fast website will give a better user experience than a slow one. Usability statistics show how surfers no longer buy from slow sites and no longer read on sites that are more difficult to navigate.

This should be reason enough to make sure your blog or site speed is good.

Use multiple analysis tools

In our website analyses, starting from the offer phase to our customers, we always check the browsing speed. The site speed is different when analyzing from different places and media (smartphone or desktop). This is one reason speed analysis tools only sometimes provide consistent results.

This is why we use these tools in parallel during analyses and do not rely on just one tool:

  • Google PageSpeed ​​Insights
  • PingdomTools
  • Yslow
  • WebPageTest

Google Page Insights analyzes browsing speed from a mobile and desktop perspective. Pingdom Tools allows you to measure the loading times of each page by simulating navigation from different geographical locations, providing a score for each navigation. Yslow provides statistics and technical suggestions on any site construction “bottlenecks” or structural problems. Web-Page Test can set the navigation simulation location, making it very useful in analyzing sites with specific areas of interest or targets.


Hostinato recommends using all these tools to monitor site performance. They create the most complete analysis of your site’s browsing speed.

Each of these tools, in a more or less technical way, shows lists of improvement actions that technicians can implement, as they are all implemented on the structure and construction of the website.

Some recommend installing a caching plugin that could speed up navigation on your site. WP Super Cache or WP Rocket will allow you to improve performance, reducing loading times by approximately 50%. Furthermore, eliminating Google Friend Connect and other useless widgets, optimizing the page’s HTML code, rationalizing javascript codes, activating data compression on the web server, and reseller hosting are all improvement strategies.

In conclusion, in various official press releases, Google reiterates how a site’s speed is an important parameter that conditions the user experience, reduces operating costs and influences positioning. A site that loads faster will have a lower bounce rate, meaning its visitors will stay on its pages longer.

Also Read : 5 FREE Tools Essential For Checking E-Commerce Indexing

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